Most Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I reside in a rural area west of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
What currency do you use? All transactions are in Canadian Dollars (CAD). American dollars (USD) will be converted to Canadian Dollars (CAD) automatically at checkout.

What countries do you ship to and what shipping methods do you use?

We offer shipping to Canada and the United States. All parcels are shipped through Canada Post. Please refer to our Shipping Policy and/or our Refunds & Returns Policy for more information.

Why isn’t your phone number listed?

I’m often too busy to answer my phone and I need correspondence in writing so that details are not missed or forgotten. Having written notes to refer back to is what works best for me. Contacting me through my website is the fastest way to reach me. I can be reached by email at: madebyarealwitch@gmail.com

What are your hours of operation?

My ecommerce store is open for browsing/shopping 24/7. Orders can be placed, forms submitted, or messages sent at any hour of the day or night. My schedule is typically Monday – Friday from 9am until 3pm CST. I am closed on weekends and holidays unless a service is booked and needs to be carried out during those times.

When can I expect to hear back from you?

While exceptions may apply, messages made through my website during the week can expect a turn-around time of approximately 1-2 business days. Messages made late in the day on a Friday, a weekend, or a holiday can expect delays – but in most cases are responded to within 3-4 business days. Messages sent through social media during the week can expect a turn-around time of approximately 3-5 business days. I will get to all messages sooner if I can. Messages that are inappropriate or are not related directly to my products, orders or services will be ignored.


Do your products work?

If you have doubts in your mind, then no – don’t expect anything wonderful to happen. If you take the product seriously, follow the instructions carefully and believe that results will come, then in most cases yes.

Do you guarantee results?

No. I cannot guarantee results as every person and situation will be different with all sorts of variables attached. That said, my ritual candles have won platinum awards for best candles in both Saskatoon and Regina, Saskatchewan and they do yield the results that most people need. They are not assembly line gimmicks. My products – which I’ve been crafting for many years and are extensively tested before being offered publicly – do have an outstanding reputation for helping people. Also note that many of my ritual candles have a goal that needs to be chased by the customer after the candle is burned - such as Find Employment or Weight Loss. It is beyond my control if a customer chooses not to pursue their goal.

Where can I find information on candle safety?

You can find candle safety information on the reverse side of any Made By A Real Witch ritual candle instruction sheet. Please review that information before lighting any Made By A Real Witch candle.

Where can I find the correct moon phase information/dates for my area?

You can find the correct dates for upcoming full and new moons right on our website. Here’s a link: https://www.madebyarealwitch.com/moon-phases

Your ritual candle instructions mention a waning moon phase. Can you explain that?

For Made By A Real Witch ritual candle purposes, a waning moon phase is roughly a 2 week period of time stretching from the time of a full moon until the time of the next new moon. To calculate it, start with the day after a full moon and continue to the time of the next new moon.

Your ritual candle instructions mention a waxing moon phase. Can you explain that?

For Made By A Real Witch ritual candle purposes, a waxing moon phase is roughly a 2 week period of time stretching from the time of a new moon until the time of the next full moon. To calculate it, start with the day after a new moon and continue to the time of the next full moon.

Your ritual candle instructions mention Yule and Midsummer. Can you explain what these are and where I can find the correct dates for my area?

In a nutshell, Yule and Midsummer are two Pagan Solstices relating to the sun that are celebrated annually. Yule is the Pagan Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day of the year – usually landing on December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere or on June 21st or 22nd in the Southern Hemisphere. Yule marks the beginning of winter and is a day to celebrate as the sun enters its waxing phase and the days begin to grow longer. Midsummer is the Pagan Summer Solstice. It is the longest day of the year – usually falling between June 19-23rd in the Northern Hemisphere or December 19-23rd in the Southern Hemisphere. Midsummer marks the beginning of summer and is a day to celebrate as the sun enters its waning phase and the days begin to grow shorter. Canada and the United States are both located in the Northern Hemisphere. Because these dates change from year to year, I cannot include specific dates in my ritual candle Instructions. You can find the dates for Yule and Midsummer right here on our website. Scroll to the bottom of the Moon Phases and you will find the relevant information there. Here is a link: https://www.madebyarealwitch.com/moon-phases

Can I extinguish and relight my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle?

Yes. If there is a danger/fire hazard, extinguish your ritual candle immediately to deal with the situation. If there is no emergency, you may extinguish and relight your ritual candle on multiple occasions – keeping in mind that at least 3 hours of continuous burn time is recommended in order to get a good amount of energy flowing towards your goal.

How long should I burn my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle for?

In general, I recommend you burn your Made By A Real Witch ritual candle for a minimum of 3 consecutive hours to get some real energy flowing towards your goal. Extinguishing your Made By A Real Witch ritual candle too early will yield less energy going into your work and towards your goal. Ask yourself what you need more, the results you’re after or a candle sitting on a shelf collecting dust?

How long can I expect my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle to last?

Made By A Real Witch ritual candles have an approximate burn time of 10+ hours each. If you burn your candle in 3 hour increments, you can expect to get between 3-5 separate rites out of a single votive size ritual candle. That’s a pretty good return on investment – just be sure to hold on to your instruction sheet for each use.

Can I burn my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle on different days for different reasons/goals? i.e./ I burned one of your wishes ritual candles to help my house sell faster and now I want to burn it to have my school application be approved.

It won’t hurt to do this, but as a general rule, no. Once you have carved your candle for the first time, followed the meditation and burned it, the intention is set.

Do I need to carve my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle each time I light it?

You will only need to carve your ritual candle once. After you burn your MBARW ritual candle for the first time, it will become cemented into the votive holder – along with your intentions.

Do I need to practice the meditation in my instruction sheet every time I light my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle?

Yes. It is recommended for you to carry out any meditations and/or chants written in your instruction sheet every time you light your Made By A Real Witch ritual candle. Always keep your Made By A Real Witch ritual candles and instruction sheets together so you have everything when you need it.

How long should I meditate for while burning a Made By A Real Witch ritual candle?

I have trouble focusing for long periods of time. It is best to meditate for as long as you can. The longer you meditate, the more energy is being put towards your goal and ultimately towards your end results. If you find your mind wandering – it happens to everyone – acknowledge the thought, let it go, and refocus on your candle/intent. I tell most people that 15 minutes of meditating is a good amount of time – longer if you can manage it – then simply let your candle burn.

Can I burn more than one Made By A Real Witch ritual candle at the same time?

It depends. If your Made By A Real Witch ritual candles relate to the same goal – such as weight loss and youth & beauty – then yes. You can burn your candles together at the same time to maximize effect. If your Made By A Real Witch ritual candles have goals that are unrelated – such as weight loss and find employment – it is recommended that you focus on a single goal and burn your ritual candles at different times. You can still burn your candles on the same day/night, just at different times.

When can I expect to see results?

There is no set standard amount of time for results to manifest. Some people see amazing results instantly…others take longer. Don’t compare your results to the results of other people. They are walking a different path than yours. Not having seen your results right away is not an indication that things went wrong. It’s just an indication that the timing isn’t quite right. Be patient, trust and believe that the universe will bring you what you need.

What type of results can I expect?

It will be different for everyone, their situation and the candle they choose. Be prepared that your results may manifest in a different way than what you are expecting. i.e./ You burn a Made By A Real Witch luck/money/success ritual candle, hope to win the lottery and don’t win. A short time later you get a raise at work, have an old debt repaid to you, or you receive a larger than normal tax return. The money came. It just didn’t manifest in the way you were expecting it to. If your goal is one that needs to be chased…like finding employment, romance, or weight loss…go chase after it. If it’s not a goal that you can’t chase…like focus and concentration, hope, or aura cleanse…be open to change and willing to receive when burning your Made By A Real Witch ritual candle. In short, be open to the idea of your goal manifesting from any source, have your end goal be for and about you, and be realistic with your expectations. Thinking negative thoughts or discussing your candle with non-believers can also decrease your overall results – so it is important to keep the information to yourself and harbour only positive thoughts in regards to it. With the exception of minor children – in most cases – it is not recommended to burn a Made By A Real Witch ritual candle on behalf of another person. The work should be for and about you. See below for more information.

Is it okay for me to burn a Made By A Real Witch ritual candle on behalf of someone else? Do I need their permission?

It depends. It is always okay for a parent/grandparent/guardian to burn one of my ritual candles on behalf of a minor child – so long as it is in that child’s best interests for the work to be carried out. If it’s a situation where it is not in the child’s best interests, no results will be achieved. But it works differently for adults. Most Made By A Real Witch ritual candles should NOT be burned on behalf of another adult. As a general rule of thumb, it is best for an adult to choose and burn a Made By A Real Witch ritual candle for him or herself. Here’s why: Adults have the choice to make decisions and choose for themselves – even if the people around them feel like they are making poor choices. It is still their choice to make. The person needs to be open to the idea of me/my work and they need to truly want the desired outcome that the candle offers in order for it to benefit them. So, if you gift a Made By A Real Witch weight loss ritual candle to your sister who needs to lose weight, it will only benefit her if she is motivated and wants to lose the extra pounds. Don’t bother burning one of my find employment ritual candles on behalf of another adult who is unemployed and seems unmotivated to find work. It doesn’t matter what you want for them. They need to want it for themselves. Another example would be burning one of my detox ritual candles on behalf of an adult who has a drinking or drug problem. Again, it doesn’t matter what you want for them. The adult with the addiction would need to seriously want to stop drinking/using drugs in order for the candle to be effective. A few other common scenarios: Do not burn a Made By A Real Witch love ritual candle for someone who is lonely and single simply because you want to see them happy. Do not burn a repair damaged relationships ritual candle to fix someone else’s marriage or to draw someone back into your life who is no longer interested in you. You will be disappointed. Bottom line, my ritual candles are safeguarded to protect innocent parties who have not asked to be a part of the spell. While you may mean well, it is best to let other adults sort their situations/problems out on their own. All that said, there are a few Made By A Real Witch ritual candles that would be perfectly fine to burn on behalf of other adults. Some examples would include: luck/money/success, Archangel Raphael healing, Archangel Michael protection and joy & happiness. The reason for this is because every adult wants these same core things for themselves: money, health, safety and happiness. It should also be noted that while a Made By A Real Witch sex/lust/aphrodisiac ritual candle can be burned for yourself and your partner, all parties must be willing/consenting adults in order for the candle to be effective. A Made By A Real Witch sex/lust/aphrodisiac ritual candle cannot be used to manipulate, harm, or abuse others.

Why isn’t it okay to burn a Made By A Real Witch love ritual candle to attract a specific person that I like if we are both single?

I hear this all the time – from both men and women. The reason is because the other person has not asked to be in a relationship with you. My products won’t manipulate an unsuspecting/vulnerable/innocent person into acting in a way that they wouldn’t naturally act on their own. Those feelings wouldn’t be real and the relationship wouldn’t last. Instead, be open to connecting with a suitable romantic partner – anyone – and see who the universe sends your way. If it happens to be the person you have your eye on, great. But, if not, trust that the universe will help you to cross paths with the right person. You could be missing out on the greatest love of your life simply by focusing on the wrong person. Be open, trust & believe.

Can you tell me the difference between your energy clearing ritual candles and your home blessing ritual candles? Aren’t they the same thing?

Made By A Real Witch energy clearing ritual candles are cleansed, anointed and spell cast to help the person who burns them to clear negative, residual or otherwise toxic energy away from buildings, land, people, pets and objects. My energy clearing ritual candles are what I recommend when a ‘deep cleaning’ needs to be done – when the energy is intense and gives you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Note that my energy clearing ritual candles can be used for clearing the energy away from more than just buildings. I also recommend one of my house size witch bottles for situations like this. Made By A Real Witch home blessing ritual candles are cleansed, anointed and spell cast to help the person who burns it to do a general blessing in the building in which it is burned. My home blessing ritual candles are for lighter jobs in general. This is the candle that I recommend when someone has moved into a new space and is looking to brighten up the atmosphere, but isn’t necessarily looking to get rid of negative entities.

I lost my instruction sheet. Can you send me a replacement?

If you purchased your Made By A Real Witch product in a retail store, you will need to contact/return to that store with your proof of purchase to sort out the issue. If you made your purchase through this website, a replacement will be sent to the same mailing address where your order was initially shipped as a courtesy – but it will happen only once. No future requests for instruction sheets will be acknowledged. As a general rule of thumb, store your Made By A Real Witch products and their instruction sheets together so you always have them when you need them.

What should I do with the candle charms once I finish burning my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle?

I always say it’s best to leave the charm in the candle until your candle is all used up – don’t try to fish it out early – but after your candle is completely finished, it is entirely up to you. Some people like to keep them. Some people add them to jewellery/wear them. Some people dispose of them. There is no right or wrong. It will not effect your end results.

The wax cracked after I extinguished my Made By A Real Witch ritual candle. Is that a bad omen?

No…it’s not bad and has nothing to do with magick or your desired outcome. It is caused by temperature. When a candle burns, it will become very hot. Beeswax burns hotter than other types of wax. If the temperature in the room that your candle is in is cool, it is normal for the hot wax to crack once the candle is extinguished and the wax cools rapidly to the temperature surrounding it. It is more common in colder months, but can happen at any time of the year. Also note that it can happen with any candle – not just mine.

My glass votive candle holder cracked/shattered/broke? Is that bad?

It does happen on occasion (with any candle in any glass jar or holder – not just mine). This is why candle safety measures are so important. The good news is that the issue was caused by temperature differences in the room where your candle was burning and is completely unrelated to magick. The bad news is that your candle holder broke so you will need to be extremely careful when disposing of the remains. When there isn’t much wax left in a glass candle container and the temperature of the room that your candle is in is cool (compared to the temperature inside of the glass candle holder) the difference in temperature can cause your glass candle holder to crack/break/shatter. This is an important reminder of why it is so important to keep your candle burning on a level, heatproof surface and never leave a burning candle unattended.

My Made By A Real Witch ritual candle won’t light. What’s wrong?

Here are a few reasons why this may occur. First, look at your wick. If the wick is too short, your candle won’t light. Try scraping some of the wax away from the wick area to expose more of the unburned portion of the wick. This will give the flame the room it needs to grow and breathe. If the very top of the wick has mushroomed, trim that part away – but don’t cut off more than you need to. You should now be able to relight your candle. A third reason why your Made By A Real Witch ritual candle won’t light might be because your wick is wet. Every Made By A Real Witch ritual candle is made using a blend of beeswax, candle dye, and essential oils. Every once in a while there will be a drop or two of oil that doesn’t blend properly with the wax and those oils tend to pool near the wick. If this happens, simply wait a few days for the wick to dry itself out. If your candle extinguishes itself while burning (very rare) – it has likely hit a small pool of essential oils and the wick is now wet – simply wait a few days for the wick to dry out. Wet wicks don’t tend to happen very often, but they do happen. A fourth possible reason why your MBARW ritual candle won't light might be that you have been burning your candle in too short of increments of time. It is recommended to burn your MBARW ritual candle for a minimum of three consecutive hours each time it is lit. Burning it for less time, can have the wick "tunnel" down the center of your candle...causing issues with the wick and relighting it down the road. Lastly, if the wick pin (small metal disc with a short neck that the wick feeds into) in the bottom of your candle holder is exposed, there is a good chance that you won’t be able to relight your candle again. At that point, you candle is done and you can dispose of the remains any way you wish.

There is debris/something dark in my candle. What is that?

My ritual candles are crafted using filtered beeswax, but even filtered beeswax will have small amounts of debris in it. I do my best to only use the cleanest parts of the wax while crafting my candles but sometimes a little debris does make its way through. I also use various combinations of essential oils – some of them dark in colour – in all of my ritual candles. Every once in a while, a drop of two of essential oils won’t blend properly with the wax  and will pool somewhere within the candle. Lastly, I am a pet owner. While I do my best to keep my work spaces clean, every once in a while, a pet hair will somehow find its way into my work as beeswax is incredibly sticky. None of these things are a concern from a magickal perspective. None will harm your results. Although I do see finding a pet hair in your candle – albeit a rare occurrence – lucky.

Which Made By A Real Witch products are recommended most for protection?

For personal protection, I would recommend a bullet protection necklace (although I don’t recommend keeping it with you while going through airport security or if you are heading into a court room as your item will likely be seized as a dangerous/restricted item) or a mirror protection necklace. For protection from paranormal pests, I recommend a house size or acreage size witch bottle along with one of my energy clearing ritual candles. For protection from problem people, I recommend my black salt, Archangel Michael protection ritual candles, and/or go away ritual candles. The feedback on these items has been phenomenal across the board. You can find these and more protection items – along with descriptions and prices on my products page.

What is the difference between your bullet protection necklaces and your mirror protection necklaces?

A Made By A Real Witch bullet protection necklace is a hollow shell that is filled with a secret blend of protective ingredients, capped with wax from one of my protection ritual candles, spell cast to protect the person who wears it and sealed shut. They are not meant to be opened after that. My bullet protection necklaces can be worn outside of the clothing, held in your hand or concealed in a pocket/beneath clothing. A Made By A Real Witch mirror protection necklace works by deflecting negative energy away from the person who wears it – sending that negative energy to a place where it can yield no further harm. My mirror necklaces need to be worn outside of a person’s clothing – with the mirror facing away from them – in order to be effective. Both necklaces are spell cast in the same way and give off the same type of feeling/result.

What kinds of energy do Made By A Real Witch witch bottles trap/collect?

Anything of a paranormal nature that is a problem/nuisance will be drawn towards and trapped within my witch bottles. They won’t get rid of your angels, guides and loved ones who have crossed over. Only the negative stuff will go.

My Made By A Real Witch witch bottle just arrived and it is wrapped very tightly in several layers of plastic. Should I remove the plastic wrapping?

Yes. The plastic wrapping is a barrier to protect your witch bottle from leaking and from soaking up negative energy your parcel might encounter while on route to you. Once you receive your witch bottle, you will need to unwrap it in order for it to start working.

How deep should I bury a Made By A Real Witch witch bottle?

I recommend digging a hole that is 2-3 feet deep in a location where your witch bottle won’t be disturbed. Please call your power and gas companies before you dig.

My Made By A Real Witch witch bottle looks very dark/corroded. Is that normal?

Yes. Your witch bottle is filled with metal objects and liquid. Corrosion is normal and tends to happen quickly.

My Made By A Real Witch witch bottle just arrived and it leaked a little. My hands got wet. Is that a problem?

No. It is not a problem. Made By A Real Witch witch bottles contain no toxic ingredients. If your hands got wet, simply wash them. Small leaks do happen on occasion. I do my best to seal each witch bottle when they are made, but once I drop them off at Canada Post they can spend days – or even weeks – upside down or on their side. I do my best to very carefully package each witch bottle before shipping – to help keep any small leaks at bay – and keep other items in your parcel from getting wet. If you unwrap your Made By A Real Witch witch bottle and see that your witch bottle has leaked a little, stand it upright and allow it to dry for a few days. Then place it in its forever home.

My Made By A Real Witch witch bottle is cracked/broken. Is that a problem?

Yes. If your witch bottle is cracked or broken it will need to be replaced as the negative energy has a way to escape. Contact me if this happens.

I want to bury my Made By A Real Witch witch bottle outside, but it’s winter and the ground is frozen. Can I keep my Made By A Real Witch witch bottle in my house temporarily and bury it after the ground thaws in the spring?

Yes. Many people do this. But, handle with extreme care! I recommend that you wear rubber gloves when you handle your witch bottle at the time of burying it. Also, be sure to place it very gently into the hole to ensure it doesn’t crack/break before you cover it up.

My Made By A Real Witch witch bottle is rattling/shaking? What is causing that? How can I make it stop?

It happens. Sometimes the rattling is easily explained – you live near train tracks, under a flight path, on a truck route or have people around you who engage in activities that cause your home to shake. Other times, the paranormal energy that is trapped within your Made By A Real Witch witch bottle wants out. Don’t be alarmed. The energy trapped within a Made By A Real Witch witch bottle can’t escape so long at the bottle isn’t cracked or broken. If you notice that your Made By A Real Witch witch bottle is rattling, I recommend covering it with an old t-shirt or a towel to keep the noise from disturbing you or anyone else. Covering one of my witch bottles with some fabric won’t stop it from doing its job. Do not cover your witch bottle with plastic, vinyl or other synthetic material. Synthetic materials will stop the witch bottle from being able to breathe and properly do its job.

I’m moving. Can I take my Made By A Real Witch witch bottle with me to my new home?

No. Never take a used Made By A Real Witch witch bottle with you from one home to another. You don’t want to be packing up and taking all of that negative energy with you. Leave it behind (along with the instructions so that anyone who finds it will know what it is and why it is there) and let me craft a new witch bottle for you.

I bought a Made By A Real Witch scrying mirror and it didn’t come with instructions. How do I use it?

A scrying mirror requires the same type of focus or gaze as a crystal ball. If you can do one, you can do the other. If you’re struggling, rest assured that it is a technique that can be learned and developed over time. Use soft, natural lighting – such as a Made By A Real Witch tealight candle or one of my psychic ability/third eye ritual candles – versus overhead lights. Then relax, be patient, and open to receiving messages. You will get there.

Services & Classes

For cancellation fees and rescheduling guidelines, please refer to my Refunds & Returns Policy.

Why can’t I book a services appointment online at the time that I send my payment?

It is best for me to schedule all appointments personally as my work revolves heavily around moon phases and planetary alignments. Because of this – and other commitments that I may have going on – scheduling appointments can get tricky/complicated. This will vary from client to client, depending on the type of service they are requesting and their particular needs involved. Feel free to contact me ahead of time for approximate wait times for any service you might be interested in. Note that services are not officially booked until your form has been approved and a full payment has been received.

How/when are services appointments arranged?

Appointments will be booked in the order of payments received. You can expect to hear from me by email in regards to available appointment days/times within approximately 72 hours of your payment being received. Expect an email to come Monday-Friday before 4pm CST. I prefer to book daytime appointments whenever possible. I can offer weekend appointments to those who need it. On average, appointments tend to book 2-3 weeks in advance – depending on the time of year, the service you are requesting, and the number of appointments ahead of yours in queue.

What can I expect to happen at the time of my scheduled appointment?

After your form is approved, your payment has been received and your appointment is scheduled, you will receive further instructions by email – usually within 72 hours – if the service you have purchased requires it.

Do you offer in-person appointments?

With the exception of metaphysical classes and/or events, all of my consultations and services are carried out through distance. I need communication in writing so that details are not missed or forgotten - which would happen with in-person or phone conversations. Having written notes to refer back to - at the time that a consultation is completed or a service provided - is what works best for me. I also live in a rural area - making it difficult for most people to reach me. Lastly, I have crossed paths with many ill-intentioned people in my line of work. My personal safety is a priority and comes before all other things. Your patience and understanding in regard to that is appreciated.

Do you offer Zoom, Video Chat or FaceTime appointments?

With the exception of hand fasting commitment ceremonies, no video conferences are being offered for any Made By A Real Witch services or consultations. Metaphysical classes are taught in a classroom setting – not virtually – at this time…although virtual classes are in the process of being developed and will be made available in the future.

I am planning an event (bachelorette/birthday/other gathering) and would love to hire you to do in-person tarot card readings. Is that possible?

Yes – depending on where you are located – it is a possibility. Please contact me through my website with more information about your event and let’s see if we can make it work. I would love to hear from you.

I’m nervous/apprehensive about scary messages that I might receive during my tarot card reading.

I have learned over the years to handle tarot card readings and my clients with a gentle approach – although the general messages will be what they are and there is nothing I can do about that. Tarot card readings are meant to benefit the client and enrich their lives – not cause them undue fear or anxiety – which makes helping you my main goal. If you are concerned about receiving frightening messages during your tarot card reading, please mention it to me beforehand to ensure that you have the best experience possible.

Your tarot card readings are expensive. Why would I book one with you when I can go elsewhere for less money?

My prices are reasonable for my level of skill/ability, the amount of time that my readings take and the quality of the experience that my clients receive.

Where do my messages come from when I book a reading with you? Do they come from you or your spirit guide, George?

Neither. When I carry out a reading, I specifically ask for your angels and guides to come through. The messages don’t come from me – they come through me. Think of me as a messenger who is delivering a letter.

Can I ask specific questions for my fire scrying reading? Can I pick a specific topic or subject – such as romance?

No. I have no control over what types of images or messages might come through for you during your Made By A Real Witch fire scrying reading. Made By A Real Witch fire scrying readings are for “general messages” from your angels and guides – not specific topics or questions you may have. Your angels and guides are in full control and they will bring through the messages that you are meant to hear. Every fire scrying reading I have ever done has been vastly different – yet the stories they tell are all incredibly fascinating. If you need information on a specific subject(s) please consider a 3 question tarot card reading with me instead.

Can I have a written copy of the spell that you cast for me?

No written copies of my spell work will be given out.

What is the difference between you casting a private spell for me versus me burning one of your ritual candles?

There is a big difference. A private distance spell casting rite with me is much more complex that what a single one of my ritual candles can offer. The private spells that I cast for clients are intricate high magick spells – taking planetary alignments and all sorts of other highly structured details into account. Each spell averages 10 pages in written length, includes all of my supplies – including an appropriate Made By A Real Witch ritual candle, hand crafted incense, and more – and takes approximately 1 hour to complete – although the ritual candle I burn on your behalf will burn much longer.

When can I expect to see results from my distance spell casting session?

There is no set standard amount of time for results to manifest. Some people see amazing results instantly…others take longer. Don’t compare your results to the results of other people. They are walking a different path than yours. Not having seen your results right away is not an indication that things went wrong. It’s just an indication that the timing isn’t quite right. Be patient, trust and believe that the universe will bring you what you need.

What type of results can I expect from a distance spell casting session?

It will be different for every person, their situation, and the spell they choose. Be prepared that your results may manifest in a different way than what you are expecting. ie/ You hire me to perform a prosperity rite for you. Then you buy a lottery and don’t win. A short time later you get a raise at work, have an old debt repaid to you, or you receive a larger than expected tax return. The money came. It just didn’t manifest in the way you expected it to. If your goal is one that needs to be chased…like finding employment, romance, or weight loss…go chase after it. These things should come much more easily to you now. If it’s not a goal that you can chase…like cord cutting, evil eye removal, or reversal magick…be open to change and willing to receive positive energy. Also note that thinking negative thoughts or discussing my spell work with non-believers can also decrease your chances of overall success – so it is important to keep the information to yourself and harbour only positive thoughts in regards to my work at all times. In short, be open to the idea of your goal manifesting from any source, be realistic with your expectations, and believe. Results will come exactly how and when they are meant to.

Do you guarantee results with your spell casting services?

No. I cannot guarantee results as every person and situation will be different with all sorts of variables attached. Rest assured that I have decades of experience under my belt with an outstanding track record for getting most people the results they need.

Can you spell cast for me for health?

For any physical or health related issues I recommend my distance energy healing sessions instead.

What is distance energy healing?

Distance energy healing is a gentle, half hour therapeutic practice which promotes stress reduction, relaxation and overall wellbeing. It is not a replacement for professional medical care. It is meant to be used in conjunction with your doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan.

Are your distance energy healing treatments the same thing as a reiki energy healing treatment?

My work is something similar to reiki – but it is not reiki. It is my own modality of energy healing work.

What happens during a distance energy healing treatment? Is it safe?

During a distance energy healing treatment, I pull energy up from the core of the Earth and down from the center of the Divine Universe into myself, which I then send out intuitively to my client. It is a very safe, non-invasive practice. No one ever experiences pain or discomfort. Most clients sleep or feel so tired that they need to sleep following a treatment. They tend to wake feeling energized and recharged.

How do I know if a distance energy healing treatment worked?

You will be able to tell by the way that you feel. While results and experiences will vary, most people sleep during their treatment and feel energized and renewed upon waking. Our bodies heal best when we sleep or are relaxed – which is the main goal of my work.

How many distance energy healing treatments will I need?

Most people benefit from 3-4 treatments spaced no more than a week apart. You can think of it as something similar to physiotherapy – where the client benefits most from a few treatments instead of just one. In the case of someone who just wants an energetic ‘boost’, one treatment should suffice.

What classes do you offer? Where are you teaching?

Keep an eye on the Events and Classes page on my website or contact me for more information. I would love to see you as a student in one of my classes sometime. Note that it is our goal to offer virtual learning through out website.

Can I purchase a copy of the class handout material?

Unfortunately no. The handout material is for registered students only and only 1 copy will be provided to each student at the time the class is taught.

I would love to hire you to come to my home and teach my family/friends instead of us coming to you. Is that possible?

Yes – depending on where you are located – it is a possibility. Please contact me through my website. I would love to hear from you.

How do I join your tea leaf reading support group?

Any student of my Introduction To Tea Leaf Reading Class is welcomed & encouraged to join my Tea Leaf Reading Student Support Group on Facebook – MBARW || Intro To Tea Leaf Reading. The group is free to join and is a great place to ask questions, post pictures and/or offer advice to other students. The group is only open to students who have taken my Introduction To Tea Leaf Reading Class.

Do you offer home blessings or cleansings?

I used to, but my witch bottles, energy clearing ritual candles and home blessing ritual candles do such an amazing job – and are so affordable – that I’ve not needed to do a property cleanse or blessing in quite some time. Each of these items includes detailed written instructions to walk you through the process of using them. You can find them in my online store.

Retail Stores & Wholesale Orders

Do you have a brick and mortar store where I can shop for Made By A Real Witch products?

No. I do not personally have a brick and mortar store with a physical street address where customers can shop/browse. I have an online ecommerce store and can ship to anywhere in Canada or the United States. There are, however, several stores in Canada who offer select Made By A Real Witch products (see below).

Which stores carry Made By A Real Witch products?

There are several retail locations in Canada that offer select Made By A Real Witch products. Send me a message for the retail location nearest you.

I am a retail store owner with a physical location where customers can browse/shop. Can you send me your wholesale information?

If you are the owner of a brick and mortar store in Canada where customers can shop – then yes! Please submit your request through the Wholesale Button located at the bottom of our homepage.

The Made By A Real Witch product I want is out of stock in the store where I like to shop. When will you be restocking?

It is not up to me to decide which Made By A Real Witch products will be available for customers to purchase in stores. It is up to the individual store owners. Mention to the store owner that you would like to see specific Made By A Real Witch products on their shelves. If you have trouble finding the specific Made By A Real Witch product that you need, please contact me.

I would like to shop for Made By A Real Witch products in my city. Can you find a store in my area who will offer them?

Please mention my business to any metaphysical or crystal store owners where you like to shop. They are welcome to reach out to me for more information.

Do you offer your products at wholesale prices to owners of online stores?

No. My products are only available to retail locations with a physical street address where people can shop. But my products can also be purchased through those stores’ online stores if they happen to have one.

I am a retail store owner. I do not live in Canada. I would like to stock your products.

Thank you for you interest. Unfortunately, our products are only available at wholesale prices to store owners in Canada at this time.

General Questions

What is a white witch?

A white witch by definition is an altruist – someone who devotes their life to the purpose of helping others.

How did you know you were a witch?

My spirit guide, George, told me in a dream many years ago. I had always considered myself to be a psychic medium before that. You can read the full story of how I became a witch in the About Me section of my home page.

Am I a witch?

No one can answer that question but you.

Will you mentor me?

I’m always flattered to receive such messages but the truth is that I don’t have time to mentor individual people. I am hoping to develop a mentorship program at some point and am slowly chipping away at a series of metaphysical classes to help students learn and grow.

Are you Wiccan or Pagan?

While I consider myself to be more Pagan than Wiccan – I do identify with both.

Why do you spell magick with a k?

Magic spelled with a C is illusion. Magick spelled with a K is real.

I had a horrible experience with a Wiccan/witch/practitioner of magick. How can you say that Wicca or witches are good? How are you different?

Witches, Wiccans, and practitioners of magick can be very different. Some practice with positive intent, some with negative intent and some are in between. It is a personal choice based on what that particular person feels drawn to. I personally am only drawn towards the positive side of Wicca, witchcraft and energy work. I work very closely with my spirit guide – George, angels, nature, and nature deities. It is what works best for me as a solitary practitioner.

I would like to meet you. Can we meet for coffee or arrange a phone call?

I’m always flattered to receive messages like this, but I always decline such invitations. I’m incredibly busy and my time needs to be utilized wisely to get the most out of each day.

Will you interpret my message from spirit, dream, scrying image, tea leaf reading, anomaly photo, etc.?

I’m sorry but I am very busy and don’t offer readings for free. If you would like to arrange a reading around your question/situation, please fill out the appropriate form on my services page and submit it.

Would you be interested in joining our coven?

Thank you for the invitation. I’m always flattered to receive messages like this, but I always decline such invitations. I am a solitary practitioner at heart and work best on my own. I sincerely wish your group well.
